Breakfast with Santa - A Yearly Tradition

Breakfast with Santa has been a tradition at the Newton Highlands Women’s Club since the 1980’s. It has always been one of the most festive occasions for both club members and the community. Many club members appreciate this opportunity to participate with family members and friends in the holiday tradition.
Santa arrives promptly at 9:00 AM in his glorious velvet suit with the jingle of bells and a hearty “HO, HO, HO.” The workshop is festive with ladies in Santa hats and Christmas attire. There are Christmas decorations and card tables are set throughout the room with Christmas placemats and crayons. It is warm and cozy in the room and music is playing. Santa takes his prominent seat in front of the fireplace awaiting the attention of the children. A buffet table is spread with delicious breakfast treats from which to choose. Club members serve the foods and assist with photos.
The children take off their winter attire, head for the goodies and settle in to become comfortable. There are friends to greet, coloring to accomplish, and children decide if they are ready to approach a visit with Santa. The little ones watch to see what Santa does and once they are sure it is safe make their approach. Early on the club took Kodak pictures, but of late parents come equipped with the cameras. Santa often receives gifts of colored pictures or occasionally a hand made ornament for the tree. The favorite songs for the group are “Jingle Bells,” “Here Comes Santa Claus,” and “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.”
When the children are ready to leave they may choose an ornament from the Christmas tree and are given a lovely bag of sweets. Happy, Happy is each child! Children often come as toddlers, continue to come through the college years and sometimes bring their children to visit Santa.